Make Sure Are You Using The Right Natural Stone Cleaning Products
All forms of natural stone have unique characteristics. For this reason, it is extremely important to make sure you choose the right natural stone cleaner. Using natural stone can make any room in your home look more beautiful, but it needs proper care and cleaning to keep it looking new.
If you're unsure which natural stone cleaner to use, there are plenty of options. Each type of natural stone requires a specific product or method to ensure proper maintenance, from travertine and marble to granite and limestone. Before deciding which natural stone cleaning products to buy, read out which will work best on your floors, backsplash, or countertops.
Avoid using natural stone cleaning products like vinegar or anything else acidic as it can eat away at the surface of the travertine and cause serious damage. Instead, choose a stone-safe cleaner and seal your travertine regularly to protect it.
Use warm water to clean your marble stone surface gently, and look for specific natural stone cleaning products that are made specifically for the marble to tackle tough cleaning tasks. Sometimes sealing is also recommended.
You can keep this stone by cleansing it with some slight cleaning soap and water. Granite should be treated with a special sealer at least once a year to keep it looking shiny and protect it from pitting and scratching.
To keep your slate tiles clean, ensure the grout lines and the surface of the tiles are well sealed. When cleaning slate tile, use a non-abrasive natural stone cleaning product and make sure you rinse it with hot water, then dry the slate thoroughly.
Keep your limestone clean by using a mixture of mild dish soap and water to remove stains and a quality sealant that will protect its vulnerable surface from permanent stains.
Avoid acidic or abrasive cleaners
Not rely on what kind of herbal stone you have in your home. It is vital to remain away from merchandise that is acidic or abrasive. Things like scrubbing cleaners or natural stone cleaning products containing abrasive ingredients should be avoided at all costs. This material can scratch the surface of your stone, removing the sealant and leaving it vulnerable to permanent staining.
You should avoid anything that has a high pH level or is acidic. These include vinegar, fruit-based natural stone cleaners, or lemon juice. Always choose something with mild ingredients or stick with a mild soap and water mixture to keep your stones clean.
Pick a surface sealant
The best way to maintain your natural stone is to seal it regularly. You can buy stone sealants online or at most hardware stores, which are easy to apply. The sealant will keep stains out and keep your stone looking new. A sealant will not only protect your floors and walls, but it also makes cleaning much easier.
The sealant provides a smooth surface that eliminates messes and disperses air. It also creates a protective barrier that prevents moisture so nothing can penetrate the surface of your stone tiles.
If you decide to use a store-bought natural stone cleaning product, carefully read the ingredients and all labels.
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