Learn Why A Pushback Racking System Might Be Ideal For Your Business

buy back racking

Push back racking is an advanced storage technology that best uses the accessible storage space, similar to other live storage options.

It is a flexible solution because it may be integrated with different storage systems. You might think about buying a back racking system for your warehouse, but before you do, it's vital to learn about it and comprehend its advantages before you finally decide to buy a back racking system suitable for your business. 

What is a push-back racking system?

Unlike most other racking systems, push-back racking systems are designed to be utilised with pallets and produce a higher storage capacity. Although certain push-back racking systems allow larger capacities, the standard push-back racking system can hold between two and five pallets in a particular lane.

Several carts are positioned on top of rails slanted considerably towards the aisle on each tier of the racking system. When a fresh pallet is placed onto the rack, these nested carts are moved back.

How Push Back Racking Functions?

A combination of incline rails and several nesting carts riding on them make up a pushback rack system. A forklift loads the first pallet onto the top wagon.

The operator places the second pallet on the centre cart and pushes the first pallet backward when they enter with the second pallet. Comparable to the first two, the third pallet drives the bottom cart back and sits on it. By pushing the first three pallets backward, the operator adds the final pallet, setting the load on the rails.

The order is swapped for pushback rack offloading. The operator can select up the pallet lying on the rails and back out while the other three pallets will trail to the front of the lane because the rails are slanted toward the aisle. They can then take each pallet out one at a time till the lane is clear.

Why Use Push Back Racking?

Installing pushback racking from 3D Storage Systems has a lot of benefits. A pushback rack is quicker to load and unload than any equivalent drive-in rack since the pallets move to the aisle. Pushback racking is also much better for stock rotation and usage since every level can retain a different item. Additionally, since the operator does not have to enter into the rack to consider removing pallets, rack damage is considerably decreased.

Common industries which use push back racking system

Products for push-back racks are deployed in numerous different industrial kinds, including:

  • Distribution of Food

  • Manufacturing

  • Facilities for Third-Party Logistics

  • Automobiles

  • Healthcare 

Push-back racks could be an option for nearly any warehouse that wants to improve its storage space. There is no need for specialised forklifts because these racking systems are entirely functional in refrigerators and coolers.

Perks of using push back racking system

  • Pallet Retrieval Is Simple

Every time a pallet is retrieved, the carts will automatically slide forward thanks to the rails' inclined position toward the aisle. Due to the near proximity of each pallet to the entrance of the racking system as it is being unloaded, retrieving a row of pallets is simple.

  • High Storage capacity

Push-back racking systems can be significantly deep than most other racking systems since the pallets will gradually flow to the head of the rack. This significantly increases a warehouse's storage capacity so more products may be housed with fewer additional aisles.

  • Rapid Product Sorting

Push back racking reduces the productivity barrier by utilising fewer aisles with more storage.

Experts suggest a high-density pallet storage system based on the goods you store, traffic volume, and mechanical handling equipment. Consult an expert today to buy a back-racking system ideal for your business and warehouse. 


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