Is It Necessary To Have Pallets Fumigated?

Fumigated pallets

Fumigated pallets have been disinfected and have undergone pest management. Some nations mandate fumigation on imported commodities to guarantee that pests do not spread from one country to the next via the transportation of goods. Wooden pallets are fumigated to sterilize them for this purpose. Therefore, in this blog, we will go through the benefits of investing in fumigated pallets.

Main Benefits Of Fumigated Pallets

Fumigation for wood pallets and other wood packing materials may be completed in various methods, but each approach normally comprises three fundamental phases. The wood is first completely debarked. It is then put in an enclosed room and heated for at least 30 minutes to 132.8 degrees Fahrenheit. When this is finished, the wood is stamped with a particular stamp indicating that globally mandated standards did the fumigation. Pallets prepared in this manner outperform regular wood pallets in various ways:

Export Regulations Compliance

ISPM-15, or the International Phytosanitary Standard for Wood Packaging, mandates that wood packaging be fumigated before export to other nations to limit the danger of insect infestation. These rules were developed to reduce the possibility of an infected pallet introducing an invasive species into an environment that cannot maintain it. Pallet fumigation makes it more resistant to water, mould, and germs.

Minimalizes The Weight Of The Pallets

A typical wood pallet weighs between 30 and 80 pounds, with more durable pallets weighing more because they employ more wood. Heat treatment fumigation removes moisture from fresh wood, resulting in a lighter pallet. While pallet fumigation may not result in a significant weight decrease, when multiple pallets are carried at once, the weight savings can pile up, leading to reduced fuel use for cube out loads and more merchandise in each load for weighing out loads.

The fumigated pallets reduce the pallets' moisture content, making them seem lighter. If you are shipping one or two pallets, the savings will not be significant, but if you are sending a large number of pallets at once, the savings may pile up.

Reduced Mold And Bacterial Build Up

Wood absorbs moisture because it is a porous substance. Because the pallet retains moisture during usage, it may become a breeding ground for germs and mould. Mould and bacterial development on a pallet's surface may also be transferred to the contents carried by the pallet. Fumigating wood makes it more resistant to water, mildew, and germs, lowering the risk of product contamination and load rejection due to unclean circumstances.


When heat-treated pallets are discarded, they do not release any harmful compounds into the environment. Fumigated pallets may be reused and repurposed in numerous ways. For instance in the construction of animal farms. Furthermore, no chemicals are used to produce fumigated pallets, making them more environmentally friendly.

A pallet is a must-have item in every warehouse nowadays since it aids in transporting and organizing items. A fumigated pallet is one of the greatest kinds of pallets available today. These structures are long-lasting and may help you avoid various problems in the future.


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